If one or more parts are defective and needs to replace with new one, you should need a reel schematics to view part number and ordering correct part of reel from manufacturer or its distributors. Some parts available to purchase from common market places like Amazon or eBay without contacting with manufacturer, such as bearing, drag washers, spools etc.
This page is for reel schematics. Only need you know the brand and model number of your reel to view your reel schematic. Every schematics are including part names and description with its code.
Example, your reel type is spinning. Brand is Shimano and model # stella STL2500FE. All of this informations are can be found on your reel box. You want to see shimano stella schematic and your reel model code is shown as STL2500FE on your reel box.
Just type “STL2500FE” code to the search field in the table as you shown below to see your reel schematic. Every column has PDF link and you could view the schematic if available.
If you lost your reel box or not sure what model you have, you could find your reel schematic manually by tapping the page numbers located in the table until you see your reel model.
There are 50+ parts are at least available for every reel. Look up the parts you want to order and note them. Just place the order with part name and number you already noted before.
If you thinking to replace line roller or bearing with new one, you have to note the every part no which starts with letter “RD” and its numbers “12345”. It’s for example.
At this time, only shimano spinning reel schematics are available in the table. It has more than 1.000+ entries and the table includes more than 50+ pages. I’ll update as soon as possible for other reel brands such as daiwa, abu garcia etc. and types like conventional, baitcasting etc.